hey flowers and petals,
it's that time of year again, and i'm pumping out a handful of short films. some of you might think they're cool and some of you probably don't. in any case, here's the first. s'bout love, relationships, and superstitions:
again, review responses will be beyoncé quotes. if you're into that, cool beahnz, otherwise you might be moderately disapointed. maybe i'll explain my thoughts behind the quotes one of these days.
in other news, sarcastic collabs are back on the menu! anyone can join, and you can check the specs and theme on pahgawk's news post. we encourage all levels of animators to join. it's a great way to get into the community or just experiment with new styles. everything is going to be awesome either way.
pahgawk and i are also cooking up something a bit bigger for the last of the collabs this year. hopefully it works out well, cause it'll be pretty niftyswifty. look out for it.
with love,
ps - here's a look at my part.
Hahah I saw that comment when it got posted. I gotta hand it to Newgrounds, there's no other demographic of commenters quite so diverse and eccentric in every direction, for better or worse.
i agree, and i love every one of them, for better or worse